
Showing posts from 2013

Scandal Addiction...

Look at *OUR* addiction. Is Scandal such an addiction, especially to black woman, because this day, this need, this statement, this public show, this weekly declaration is something that WE - black women have long awaited? Long needed to, well... *HEAL* our battered souls. To repair all the damage done by our leading society who said... we were of "Low" things and nothing of "Value"?  Has Scandal... and other such stories, tapped into our hurting place? That place that HELD US DOWN within our own minds even? Many of us work hard, REALLY REALLY HARD... to shake off - as Abby put it, the crazy. The crazy of this world that nailed us to the wall of, "Anyone can use, abuse, devalue, belittle, dehumanize, buy, sale, trade, exchange and "Have one" at the right price." How long now have we carried that - *ugly* hanging note around our necks? Has Shonda Rhimes, thru Scandal - publicly broadcasted - THIS wake up call. Has Scandal and other suc...

Mainstream vs. Self-Publishing w/ errors, typos oops grammar oh my...

It has been a long time since I've read over various parts of Bomaw, thus forgetting things that I'd written. So I'm reading with fresh new eyes, almost like those of a reader. Yes, I see the errors as well, sorry about that. Those errors have become one of my reasons for slo-o-owing down. What so many readers must understand, and there are some who do - that being the DO ALL to publishing your own work is not as easy as one might think. Mainstream published authors get to write it, and PASS IT on. They're done. Someone else has the job of cleaning it up. They have the freedom to move on to the next project while resting a bit in between. This is not the case for self-published. Proof-reading is a skill not all of us hold. As well editing. While the two are totally different and needed for polished publishing. Editor gets rid of excess story, removes sections as well as suggesting more meat, fat or sugar. Proof-reading is about spelling, grammar, typos, continu...