Dissin' the President, Barack O'Bama

First let me say, that I don't know if me having a blog is a good idea. I'm too stupid to keep certain things to myself, speaking my mind, is a dangerous thing, because my mind and the things in it could get me in a heap of trouble, for real! Let me say right off, that I am SICK and TIRED of the disrespect and B.S. surrounding the current U.S. President, but let's face it - we all know why this is happening, doesn't matter if you're white, doesn't matter if you're black. We ALL know why he's being treated so horribly by the press and by the republicans and all those others like them. His treatment - is because - he is - BLACK!!! Racism - with it's ugly self, pretended to be long gone, dead and buried; but it's not. Let me stop here and say this right now - this blog is not going to be politically correct in ANYTHING I say. I don't have time for that B.S. - I'm going to say it straight off the cuff as it really is. I'm going...