Endocrinologist: The NEW Dr. Frankenstein's

Dr. Frankenstein's monsters are cropping up everywhere... This blog has been a long time coming. It's been on my mind for the last two years and for good reason. I had all of these issues surrounding why not to write it ... but now... those reasons no longer matter to me. Hope - Joy - Love First, you must forgive where in reading this you might find that I may slip into rambling my thoughts. While I have planned what I will express - there are times when, I simply write what I'm thinking the moment I'm doing so. Thus, should you stop at some point and scratch your head, thinking, "Huh? What?" Yeah, you more than likely read one of those ramblings. See, already I digress. Anyway - back to the Endo-crimes ... simply put, having the power to destroy lives with a building rep for doing just that - should be treated like a crime. The "Elite" society of endocrine physicians - far too many I fear - have committed acts upon their patients wit...