Rolling out the volumes...

Here is Volume 9 of Bomaw... I can't believe how far that drama series has come. And yet, soon I'll hit volume 11 - because we believe it will make it to 11 with the material already written - and once it does, it will be time to start writing the new, fresh material for it. All 9 volumes are available at - well, all except 4, 8 & 9 = at the time of this blog release, however, in a few weeks, they too will be there to purchase the paperbacks. Thing is, I never knew how time consuming being a writer could be. And it's not just writing that consumes me - before I discovered that I was a writer, I was an artist. I loved to draw. Me and my pencil - with an image to look at, I could duplicate it pretty well. That was inherited from my mother's side of the family. Quite a few artists on her side, which includes, her, me, and my oldest daughter, she's pretty good at it. That had been my first passion - but life and circumstances made me lose that s...