Rolling out the volumes...
Here is Volume 9 of Bomaw...
I can't believe how far that drama series has come. And yet, soon I'll hit volume 11 - because we believe it will make it to 11 with the material already written - and once it does, it will be time to start writing the new, fresh material for it. All 9 volumes are available at - well, all except 4, 8 & 9 = at the time of this blog release, however, in a few weeks, they too will be there to purchase the paperbacks. Thing is, I never knew how time consuming being a writer could be.And it's not just writing that consumes me - before I discovered that I was a writer, I was an artist. I loved to draw. Me and my pencil - with an image to look at, I could duplicate it pretty well. That was inherited from my mother's side of the family. Quite a few artists on her side, which includes, her, me, and my oldest daughter, she's pretty good at it.
That had been my first passion - but life and circumstances made me lose that skill, after all, if you don't use it, you lose it... and I did. Then, while writing and needing urgently, a means to illustrate my novels - I discovered Poser - a program that let's you, create scenes of almost any you can imagine - in 3D form, to render and use as you please. I found this not only pleasing, but right up my alley for what I needed. In fact, that bookcover to the right was done with 3D graphics. As all of my novels were. While it's not the best of artistic illustrations, the visual aid does enhance thing things for the readers. The main program that I use now, is called Daz Studio - you can download that for free here, at the link below.
Some of the places where I can be found, displaying my art... is at
just look for the artist gallery for MKeyes. There you will see what I've been up to while not writing. Because let's face it, no matter how good a writer you are, no one can write ALL THE TIME - with out let up. Well, I should correct that - I CAN'T - I have too many things within wishing to be let out, and doing artistic renders is one of them.

Laz and I went for a lovely walk, and now that I'm so refreshed, probably why I decided to blog - I can get something else done. This is what I have on the burners...
Getting Laz's website done...
Getting my graphics site done...
Getting Ms Dunlap's site redone...
Getting episode 85 read and published - TODAY!
Getting another image of "Odd Socks" - our children's fantasy book - Done!
And chilling... well, that will happen around 11:45pm - that's what it's been the last few days. We'll see... guess I'll go twitter now. Hmmm, what shall I say... Hey! I know... bye!
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