The UGLY price and victimization of LIME-LIGHT & SUCCESS...

EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! The problem with Social Media nowadays is that now that some people have an audience ie; blogging, vlogging, YouTube, Google+, Facebook - they, the "NORMALS" suddenly have an imagined social degree on character profiling and judgement! An ultra major insight into the lives of people they do NOT know personally. Have NOT lived with. Have never walked in their shoes. Have not a CLUE of what drives a person truly! What HAUNTS them. Hurts them - has in the past injured them. How they've been scared and scarred. How they grew, due to no fault of their own in an "UNNATURAL" family setting. How they - the individual took dried lemons... thinking they've made lemonade. YET, those who THINK they know, will pick up the media reports and draw ALL kinds of know-it-all conclusions on what is happening as if they are a fly on wall and has seen and know it all. What drives me real...