Crimes of Meghan Markle - DOS

Crimes of Meghan Markle - DOS
Why is the Royal Family, British media, talk shows & social media constantly hate-target her?
Warning from the scriptures of the last days and the behavior...
1 John 5:19 - We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5 - But know this, that in the last days, critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
John 8: 44 - You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.
Remember those three above scriptures - as I now go on to list the Duchess of Susses crimes she has been convicted of via the verdict of the British Media - Royal Family - social media - and now, US Morning talk shows etc.
Handsome Hunk Prince Harry - The Spare
List of Crimes...
1.) Biracial Mix - a non (so-called) Blue blood...
Her biracial mix is the wrong kind for a starter. She is not Asian & White, not of Spanish & white, not of Indian -(American or East take your pick) & white, nor European white mix. Meghan Markle - is a slave mix. To all other nations, the lowest mix of all mankind - the one that all other cultures consider the last thing any of them would want to be mixed with.
A BLACK & white mix! The dreaded mulatto! There lies the first problem, that black is in there at all. That is her first crime. She's guilty of being part of the one race that no one in the world wants to be until they were made to feel as Black and Africans have been made to feel. Now, a population of the Spanish, Indian, and Asian have found their compassion and empathy because they are NOW being treated as Black and Africans have been treated for centuries! At present, many are reconsidering their stand, because there is more might in numbers - maybe we should unite as one. Well, better late than never.
2.) A fighter. An (uppity) outspoken, run-a-way from her place in society.
The next crime was to be an outspoken, courageous, biracial -(w/black)- champion of her idea of what
is right. Thus, by heralding her voice in topics to direct attention to the long-standing establishment of man, his power, and his negligence to offer a seat at the table for feminists. The meaning of this simply demonstrates that women are equal in their ability to solve problems on a worldwide scale and should be allowed to offer ideas that are taken seriously. However, men of the world in truth don't want to hear problem-solvers or their ideas that will dig into "man's" profit margins, a game of power, thrones - you sank my battleship! Yeah, all that man stuff of wars and money to be made by keeping the world at war. Divisions are the greatest means of maintaining a reason they justify who is superior in their fighting, looting ie; (stealing) colonizing, etc.3.) The audacity to be multi-lingual and astute in her intelligence
How dare she executes with ease of smooth propensity a demonstration that puts on display her education, her bachelor's degree with a double major in theater and international studies at Northwestern's school of communications. Who does this biracial -(w/black)- think she is? Guilty! She does not know her place - and has gone too far. How far? Problematic crime number 4 coming up!
4.) Esthetically pleasing, alluring, and desirable.
When a woman looks like that, does she not know she is supposed to serve another purpose? Brains in a pretty face are a waste. Crime: she deceived certain ones that all she was - was a harmless pretty smile and fetching come-hither eyes. In truth, she was a seductress in disguise, waiting to cast her spell! How do they know - Crime number 5...
5.) She caught the master's son (Royals) - their Prince - in her snare!
Yes, their handsome hunk - Prince Harry! (Refer to the above-pictured hunk) The ginger supreme - haunting many a fair damsel's dreams, he was supposed to be, one of theirs. But instead, he demanded to marry the seductress. He gave up all and the master's son, the prince, ran off, vowing to never return. As Duchess of Sussex, his wife is far more valuable than being a waiting Spare Prince of the realm. And those waiting for their dance to win his heart were left in despair. Don't believe it? Ask this poor heartbroken beau... uh... sad-sack-Sue, Miss Weiss. When we asked her how she was doing, her reply came troubling, "I've nothing to say, other than - I'll get that - that narcissist! You'll see!" Like so many others, left with their hopes dashed, their dreams set afire. All due to that shameless biracial -(w/ black)- seductress! Oh, there are more crimes to be listed.
6.) Out-did those born to do what she did!
Yes, guilty! She outshone them. Outshone them all! So much those of the commonwealth preferred her
and their Prince, over the others. Crowds amassed in vast numbers, and amidst the sea of people many were heard to be shouting out her name, "MEGHAN - MEGHAN - WE LOVE YOU MEGHA-A-AN!" Yes, she proved to be far more qualified, this outspoken feminist and her ideas on how to actually HELP the people, while appearing to enjoy doing so. Growing in popularity that was getting out of control. Showing up those born to do this, really? Instead of doing like the Royals in all of their stolen wealth and splendor, who could be bothered only now and then, to give a bit of a wave and a smile. She is GUILTY!7.) Final crime - she humiliated the establishment - the firm - The Crown.
For showing the people, the Commonwealth, and the world - how a true princess would act, with class, dignity, ideas, concern, and compassion to execute a plan that would prove successful - all for which she used her VOICE. This crime could not go unpunished. She had to be sentenced, had to be prosecuted. Instead of staying and taking her punishment - the Royal Family saw to it that she would get it. Heralding before all who would listen that she was wicked! Wicked for showing them up, rocking the boat, and forcing them, the ROYALS to work and give something more than a damn for their lives of privilege and the people they'd gotten it from.
Did she stay and take it? No, she ran for America from where she came and dared to take our Prince with her - casting some kind of spell. GUILTY! So, the onslaught of punishment cannot stop, it must crossover and even reach where they've run. Where they dare to live - happily ever after! Not if the RF, BM, News Media, and social media have anything to say about it.
Now go back to the top and read those scriptures again.... and there lies the answer to WHO they are, that have judged, prosecuted, and now punishing the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle with their blatant, wickedly twisted lies! John 8: 44 - they wish to do the will of their father, and who is their father? Why - the father of the LIE. Nothing more to be said.
Happily, Ever After?
It's possible, but only possible if they dig in that bible and ask the CREATOR of all for wisdom. Only our CREATOR is more powerful than the father-of-the-lie. HIS son already battled and tossed the f-o-t-l out of the heavens down to the earth. Rev. 12: 7 - 9....
But for now, my prayer is with you - may you MM-DOS, your prince, PH-DOS, and your babies, be protected and safe!
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