Exalts Himself to be Humbled... B.R.F. - Chapter One

British Royal Family

Luke 14: 11 - 
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

I will do six parts to this blog topic of the British Royal Family. I believe it will take that many to get all the matters surrounding this negative, impactful and historical family out of my system. 

  • Chapter 2.) The Stunning & Unforgettable Princess Diana.
  • Chapter 3.) The Good Son - Prince Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor -(Harry).
  • Chapter 4.) Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth ll
  • Chapter 5.) Why The Stunning Princess Rachel Megan Markle?
  • Chapter 6.) Greed, Privilege, Superiority, Jealousy and Fear - Royal Reporters & the Derangers.

But first, Luke 14: 11 - proof that the bible has never been more relevant than it is right now. The world is falling apart right before our eyes. This includes the reason behind the fall of the British Royal Family & its Empire. Their days of colonizing are over. They have been gaming for centuries with the oldest trick in the book. The trick? In fooling millions of people into believing that there is one clan, one culture, or as they would have it, one race of people more right, and anointed by GOD. Why? Because when you have such ideas, that translates into beliefs of more intelligence and superior to others - in their heads... IYKYK. They have been playing in the greatest and most successful deception of misleading thousands of humankind into remaining in their "place" - never to consider themselves equal to - peers to those of the BRF. Stepping forward in their cosplay as the rightful head of the church of England.

And here I thought the head of the church was GOD'S only begotten son, Jesus Christ? Well, I'm just going by what GOD'S word the bible says in the below scriptures. -(smirk)- I used the Rotherham Bible - it's an English bible, well researched and made available by an Englishmen, Joseph Bryant Rotherham. Ah, but still inspired by the Creator.

  1. Matt. 28:18
  2. Eph 1: 22-23
  3. Eph 5: 24
  4. Col. 1:18
  5. 1 Tim. 6:15
  6. Rev. 19:16

See how I get sidetracked writing about the superior notions of those so above the average person they don't even need GOD'S word or HIS son to guide their steps? Yet, if that is true, how does God anoint them? Things I hope that make you go, hmmm?

In fact, the last good king sanctioned by GOD of Judah was King Josiah. Now, we await the TRUE Priest and King the bible talks about, coming through the line of David, Solomon - etc. His name is, Jesus Christ. Sooo, yeah - what's up with the BRF? 

Sooo, this fool trickery has been going on for a thousand years? Imagine that? How so? Truth, do to a lack of education within the underclass, the peasants, the poor. Among them came kings from successful warfare and looting. Similar to the biblical account of David's victorious and celebrated return from war, the ordinary people, or men who appeared to be powerful, also received praise. They successfully TOOK and, at first, shared their booty with those in their villages. Their villages, wishing to keep it going, crowned the leaders, the brave, the courageous - as kings. But then their sons were born, feeling entitled. Held back from fighting as their forefathers had. They had to be protected, right? Ideas of feeling superior grew. So the common men and women honored and protected them. And look where they are now? Eventually someone tied this "Good Thing" to the bible. No doubt those who most benefited by being close to the reigning king. -(Men in grey suits anyone?)- As momentum grew, certain persons liking the good thing, -(echmm - grey suits)- used the bible to support the tradition and keep it going, and growing.     

Here we are. However, there is a huge NO NO with using GOD'S word the bible to uphold, support and mislead. They should have kept the bible out of it. So now they must pay the price. Because GOD is not one to be mocked, you will reap what you sow. Gal. 6: 7 - GOD'S word is clear, alive and relevant.

British Royal Family, you want to exalt yourselves? Huh King Charles III? Huh Queen Consort Camila? Oh yeah, Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis Wales? You too, Princess Catherine Middleton? Be my guest, but know this - every act has a consequence. Because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled! Luke 14:11 ... PREPARE FOR THE FALL.

As Ever,  - you Go Meghan! I cannot wait!

Mercedes Keyes
All 20 Novels at Amazon


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