Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, you can't have it all....

I'm sitting here shaking my head, spent the morning laughing, couldn't help myself. Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, what are you doing? Do you know, because of you, men who have done the no, no on their wives, and begged for forgiveness - and have been forgiven, to the extent that the wife could - they are right now walking about on egg shells, all because of what you've done, bringing it all back up again for them to suffer through once more, hey - and rightly so! Because I don't care what anyone says, about forgiveness and all that - that if you don't forget, you can't forgive. Well I'm sorry, once it's been done to you, you can't forget! I speak from experience! And yes, you try with everything in you to forgive, to move on - but no no, not that easy. Now let me just say, that I'm not saying that Tiger is guilty of doing anything wrong. However, for some strange reason, wifey went ghetto on him, standing over him with a golf club. Now, some reports...